Welcome at KFtec OG

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About us

KFtec was founded in 2021, and specializes in digitalization of production and process monitoring. We develop customer-specific smart sensors and integrate them into the production process. Based on edge devices with artificial intelligence, our products enable reliable monitoring of production equipment.

We have 20 years of experience and expertise in the field of measurement technology, embedded systems, software engineering and artificial intelligence.

What we do

KFtec offers active support in finding solutions for measurement tasks. We develop complete solutions, or support our customers in selecting the optimal sensor technology. In addition, we create the necessary IT infrastructure (edge devices) to evaluate the accumulating data volumes (Big Data) by means of intelligent algorithms (AI and Machine Learning) on site and to process the results into the form required by the customer, e.g. industrial plant control systems (Industry 4.0 - real-time capable).


Distributed and time-synchronized measurement system for structural and airborne sound

A measurement system for monitoring industrial processes based on airborne and structural sound, and flexibly expandable with complimentary physical measurands (current, voltage, pressure, temperature, etc.) and camera systems.

High-precision time synchronization (IEEE1588 - PTP) achieves nanosecond accuracy, allowing spatially distributed sensors to be measured simultaneously and analyzed in combination.

Real-time capable edge device for machine monitoring using acoustic sensors

Due to an existing exclusive contract it is not possible to provide further information on this product.


Please feel free to contact us via email or by 55

Privacy Policy

We process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal regulations (DSGVO, TKG 2003). In this privacy policy we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within our website.

If you contact us via the form on the website or by e-mail, your data will be stored for one year to process the request and in case of follow-up questions. We will not share this information without your consent.

We neither use cookies nor web analytics.

Legal Notice

KFtec OG
Owners: Martin Fletzer und Martin Kriegisch
Schulstraße 9
2103 Langenzersdorf

office [at] kftec at

UID Nummer: ATU76958767
Company register: FN 558147f
Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court Korneuburg